ALL Teams.....
Submit your Score sheets here!
Choose the correct league, teams and players from the drop down menus. (Some chicago names at the end of the list)
Use NEW Player or SUB where appropriate.....and submit their names in the comments box at the end of the form. Names will not be added, or changed after the season begins. For low dart game: enter as #of darts/game.

DATE Played
Home Team
Legs Won
Matches Played
Visiting Team
Legs Won
Matches Played
Singles and individual achievements
Most names are alphabetical. (by first names) Players  added after the season starts might be at the END of the list
Legs won
Legs lost
high scores (120+)
low dart
high on
high off
6 Bulls
R 9's
Home 1
Visitor 1
Home 2
Visitor 2
Home 3
Visitor 3
Home 4
Visitor 4
Additional Player Home
Additional Player visitor
.additional players info
Submitted by
(required fields)
(this is the total matches for the night,
A league 11, Chicago 7, Masters 9.)