Section I- There will be a minimum of four Board meetings per year. The first meeting shall cover the turnover of duties to the new Board members. The second shall have a presentation of the budget, proposed calendar of events and club activities. The last meeting should contain a report on the success of projects, detailed Treasurer’s report and a general summary of the past years club activities.

Section 2- Attendance is mandatory for all Board members. If a Board member fails to attend two consecutive Board meetings without prior written notification containing sufficient reasons it can be considered grounds for removal.

Section 3- Board meetings will be called at the discretion of the President who shall determine the location, time and date.

Section 4- The President must supply a detailed agenda to all Board members prior to calling the meeting to order.

Section 5- Board meetings will be presided over by the President and conducted by the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order. The President reserves the right to expel any member or spectator for inappropriate behavior.

Section 6- Non-Board members may attend board meetings for the purpose of discussion and/or observation by Presidential Invitation only. Otherwise attendance is limited to Board members only.

Section 7- Board meetings will have no time limit.

Section 8- 50% of the current Board members will constitute a quorum.

Section 9- All votes will pass with a simple majority by roll call or a show of hands
unless the President deems it necessary for a secret ballot.

SNDA BYLAWS continued

Section 1- The Board is the business arm of the SNDA. Its duties shall include but are not limited to entering into contracts and business agreements, developing a calendar of events and supporting budget, acquiring annual ADO membership, Iong range planning and deciding on issues of organization and policy.

Section 2- The Board shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, ADO Representative, Executive Advisor and three Division Representatives.

Section 3- The Division Representatives will consist of one member from each of the Masters, A/B and Chicago divisions. Rev 1998

Section 4- Board members who have resigned or have been removed from office will be replaced by rules set forth in Article 1O.

Section 5- The Executive Advisor is a non-elected Board member with a term of one year.


Section 1- PRESIDENT

The President is responsible at all Board and general membership meetings. They will have the deciding vote and may only vote to make or break a tie. They shall decide on all decisions of order. They shall appoint all committees and be ex-officio of all committees.

The President is responsible for the submission of a proposed calendar of events and/or programs and an annual budget to support said activities based on input by and subject to Board approval.


The Vice President shall assist the President in maintaining the efficient and orderly operation of the club. And in either the absence, resignation or removal of the President shall assume all the duties of the President for the President’s term of office.

The Vice President is responsible for the SNDA membership drive, bar sponsorship and any other projects as directed by the President and/or the Board.

Section 3- SECRETARY

The Secretary shall record the minutes of all board and general membership meetings. They shall maintain the official mailing address for the club. They shall be responsible for keeping the roster accurate and up to date. They are responsible for sending out a minimum of 3 newsletters per year the first of which is to notify all club members of the names of elected Board members for the coming year.

At the expiration of their term of office they shall turn over all pertinent books and papers to the successor.

They shall maintain all records of club activities as required by the Board, the ADO, and any other city/county/state in which the SNDA operates.

They are responsible for notifying the membership of meetings, Board members of board meetings and notification of all SNDA tournaments/leagues/competitions or any disciplinary actions.

Section 4- TREASURER

The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining a checking and/or savings account in the club’s name. All checks require two Board members signatures. They shall receive and maintain sole custody of all ADO, SNDA and any other associated funds and shall promptly deposit said monies in the clubs banking account. They shall be responsible for the collection of all dues and fines in the name of the SNDA.

The Treasurer is responsible for maintaining an accurate and current ledger of all funds under their jurisdiction. The Treasurer, at the request of the Board, shall submit said ledger for examination at any time. They shall prepare a report on all monies spent, committed, received and on hand for every Board meeting.

At the expiration of their term of office, the Treasurer will turn over all pertinent books and papers to the successor.


The ADO Rep is responsible for ensuring the club members are members of the ADO. They are required to keep open and direct communication with the ADO. They are responsible for informing the membership of all ADO functions/tournaments that they are eligible to attend. They are responsible for the keeping of current rules and regulations of the ADO. They will be designated tournament director for all ADO sponsored/sanctioned tournaments. They are responsible for keeping the ADO informed of all points accumulated by eligible members.

The ADO Rep is responsible for keeping the Board informed of all announcements concerning the ADO regarding any changes in policy.


The Executive Advisor’s role is to provide support and information to insure continuity in the affairs of the club and orderly change over between Boards as the result of elections. The Executive Advisor is the only non-elected member of the Board. The outgoing President automatically is assigned as Executive Advisor in the upcoming year. They have full voting and discussion rights and Board responsibilities.


Division Reps together with the other Board members shall have and exercise general supervision over the affairs of the SNDA and shall control and manage it’s properties and effects. They shall assist in the administration of SNDA and ADO policy and shall establish and maintain close communication with the general membership and sponsors. The Division Reps have full discussion and voting rights at all Board meetings and will perform miscellaneous duties as prescribed by the President/Board.


The league statistician will be a paid position under written contract with the Board of Directors and the SNDA. The contract will be in effect for two years.